Acupuncture is the practice of inserting needles into the body at specific acupuncture points to treat ailments and disease. Based on principles outlined in the Haung Di Nei Jing "The Yellow Emperor's Inner Cannon" (about 200 BCE), acupuncture has developed over three centuries with practitioners passing down, adding to and confirming this medical knowledge throughout East Asia. While all acupuncture is based on the same overall system and philosophy, several styles of acupuncture have developed in different parts of the world over time - much like variations in music or language.
My acupuncture treatments tend to be an integration of multiple styles of acupuncture, based on several factors: clinical experience, client preferences, long term goals, time and outcomes.
The bulk of my acupuncture training focused on three styles of acupuncture; Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) style acupuncture; Kiiko Matsumoto Japanese style acupuncture; and Trigger Point/American Physical Medicine style acupuncture. I also have done a minor focus on Five Elements Style acupuncture. I am also an Acu-Detox Specialist, trained to perform the NADA Protocol even in disaster settings. Each of these styles of acupuncture is unique, addressing ailments and imbalances with the same theoretical basis but with at times different methodologies. I anchor my work by prioritizing clinical interactions and client experience. Basically this means, I tailor my work to achieve maximum results for you. For a little more about each style of acupuncture I practice, read on.
Trigger Point/American Physical Medicine Style Acupuncture
This is a specialized form of acupuncture developed here in the US
Based on a blend of Trigger Point Muscular Anatomy and Acupuncture Meridians and Channels
Generally involves moderate to strong sensation with post-treatment soreness